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Neuromodulators Treatment

Conveniently located to serve Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and Surrounding Areas

Botox® and Dysport® treat facial wrinkles caused by movement in the brow, forehead, lip, and eye areas. Botox® and Dysport® block nerve receptors temporarily to prevent muscle movement. The active response of these materials varies in individuals, as does the benefit duration which may last from 3-5 months.

Our advanced experience with Botox® provides consistent, predictable, and highly valued patient benefits. Dysport® is the newest Neurotoxin in the United States to be approved for use by the FDA yet has been used globally since the early 1990s with consistent, predictable, and durable results. In some countries, Dysport® outranks Botox® in popularity, with very high patient satisfaction data.

Neuromodulators Results Albuquerque


Neuromodulators Results Albuquerque


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Am I a Good Candidate for Botox®/Dysport®?

Do you look in the mirror and wonder what happened to your once-youthful face? Has someone mistaken you for being older than you are? Do people often tell you that you look “mad”? Or perhaps you are just starting to see the first signs of “crow’s feet” appear. If you are concerned with improving the way you look and want to become the best version of yourself today, Neuromodulators are a great choice to revitalize and refresh your look. They also work to prevent lines from forming and causing wrinkles in the future.

It is most likely, if you have dynamic lines or want to prevent them from forming, you are a good candidate for neuromodulators. The treatments are safe, effective, and affordable. The good news, in the doubtful event that you don’t like your results, the medication eventually wears off and your appearance returns to baseline.

Diane Frances Sanchez, DiVersions’ Master Aesthetic Nurse Injector, will help you determine which areas to treat to achieve your desired outcome.

How Do Neuromodulators Work? (Botox®/Dysport®)

Neuromodulators Botox Injection

Botox® and Dysport® are prescription medications that contain a substance known as Botulinum Toxin type A. These substances are neuromodulators capable of causing temporary local relaxation of the muscle into which it is injected. Once injected, the muscles become relaxed, which results in the reduction or disappearance of these wrinkles, leading to a much smoother appearance of the skin. They reduce the presence of dynamic lines by temporarily affecting the muscles that are causing the lines to form.

How does this help with frown lines, crow’s feet, and forehead lines? First, it is important to understand the difference between dynamic and static lines.

Dynamic lines are indentations that form on the face when the muscles are contracting (such as when you are making a worried or surprised expression). In contrast, static lines are usually more severe and are permanently etched on the face even when your muscles are at rest. It is the dynamic lines that Botox® and Dysport® can improve or erase. If these products are used early enough, they may also help prevent static lines.

Your neuromodulators treatment will be performed by the DiVersions Med Spa owner, spa director, and advanced injector specialist in Albuquerque, NM.

Which Areas Can Be Treated?

Botox® and Dysport® are widely accepted to treat the following signs of aging:

  • Vertical frown lines (“The Elevens”)
  • Crow’s feet
  • Horizontal forehead lines
  • Bunny lines (sides of the nose)
  • Gummy smile
  • Lip lines (smoker lines, now called “water bottle lines”)
  • Jawline
  • Chin dimpling
  • Vertical neck bands (Platysma bands)
  • Horizontal necklines (“Tech-Neck”)

The Benefits of Neuromodulators (NM’s)

  • Skin will look smoother and younger — Neuromodulators relax the movement of facial muscles restoring smoother-looking skin.
  • A great way to smooth those stubborn frown lines — NM’s work best on dynamic lines that appear when you frown or smile.
  • Treatments can be done during your lunch hour — If you are short on time, NM treatments can be done quickly, getting you in and out within the hour.
  • There is no anesthetic involved — With the use of small needles, you will only feel a small prick around the treatment area. Minimal to zero discomforts.
  • Visible results after a few days — You can probably expect to see the results of your treatment 1-3 days after the injections.
  • No recovery time is needed — NM’s are a non-surgical injection treatment. There is no downtime. You can fit a treatment in between your regular daily activities.
  • It’s cost-effective — Cosmetic treatments can be a strain on anyone’s budget. However, the price of NM’s could work out to be less expensive than you might think. About the cost of a Starbucks per day!

Neuromodulators Procedure Albuquerque

How long does it last?

Neuromodulators remain effective for 2-4 months on average. However, they become more effective and can last longer when the treatment is done routinely as maintenance. Some clients experience lasting results for up to 6-9 months after they have been regularly treated for a while and the muscles have nicely atrophied. That is why it is more effective to have routine treatments.

Potential Side Effects

Side effects are uncommon, yet when they do occur, they are generally minimal and mild. Potential side effects include temporary drooping of the eyelid, minor discomfort at the injection site, inflammation, and tenderness. Sometimes there can be minor discoloration like bruising that should go away on its own.

Post-Treatment Guidelines

For the best results with Neuromodulators, we ask you to avoid heating yourself up or raising your body temperature. This means avoiding vigorous activity or exercise, such as hot yoga and the gym, for 24 hours after treatment. Do not touch, rub, or manipulate the treated area for 4 hours after the injections. During this time, you should remain in an upright position (no laying down). You should actively contract the treated muscles for 24 hours following the treatment to increase efficacy. Avoid facial or chemical peels for 7- 14 days. Apply sunscreen and avoid direct sun.

Simply Put:

  • Stay upright for 4 hours.
  • No exercise for 24 hours.
  • Do not take NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin, Aleve, etc.) for 24 hours.
  • Gently wash up and away from injection sites for 48 hours.
  • Move your muscles in the areas of injection for several days.

Neuromodulators Wrinkles Removal

Cost of Neuromodulators

The price of Neuromodulators varies greatly depending on a variety of factors, such as the number of injections required, and the number of wrinkles being treated. Please contact us for more information.

Schedule a Consultation

DiVersions Wellness & Med Spa is recognized as one of the best aestheticians in Albuquerque. Highly skilled in neuromodulator injections, we are dedicated to providing the finest results. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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“It seems like everyone has a story about getting Botox® or Filler. Some stories are really awful, and some are really funny. I don’t have any stories like that about my treatments with Diane Frances. She always works with great doctors and always does great work. I trust her. I will always go to her. I just hope she outlives me and never retires.”